Mindup mapping
Mindup mapping

Please find results, publications, and reports from previous years below.

mindup mapping

Karen Bax, the MindUP for Young Children project is entering the final year of implementation research funded by the Public Health Agency of Canada.

mindup mapping

The MindUP program helps educators learn how to stay attuned and responsive in their relationships with their children. Start by entering the main subject in the center of the mind map, for instance Capitals of the world. The Trauma-Informed Framework informs educators on why they should meet their children’s needs, even if challenged with external stressors and adversity. The mind map example above shows how several lawyers use MindMeister to plan their cases, including the evidence they’ll share and the questions they’ll ask people who testify. There is also a component where the parents and children work together to help reinforce transferring the skills to their everyday lives. The MindUP lessons are also adapted into parent sessions and implemented with Merrymount families in concurrent weekly sessions for parents and young children. It can also be used to create argument maps and. Lesson topics include: How Our Brains Work, Mindful Listening, Perspective Taking, Choosing Optimism, and Expressing Gratitude. MindMup is a mind mapping application written primarily in JavaScript and designed to run in HTML5 browsers.

mindup mapping

These lessons integrate attentional, self-regulatory, and social-emotional strategies for children. The project builds on MindUP, which is a universal, school-based education program that incorporates neuroscience, mindful awareness, and positive psychology in 15 teacher-led lessons. The Tony Buzan Learning Center defines their Mind Map® as a powerful graphic technique which provides a universal key to unlock the potential of the brain.

Mindup mapping