Ari jaiden animations
Ari jaiden animations

ari jaiden animations

Berserk Button: Jaiden has some strong opinions on impersonators and people who use "KYS" as an insult.įan: Am I baka for having a crush on Ari? >.because the person would need sunscreen first. Jaiden responds that such a thing is a terrible idea. Bait-and-Switch Comment: In "Burnout & Overworking Yourself", a hypothetical friend tells Jaiden that they're going to run fifty miles, and won't eat, sleep, or take care of themselves until they're finished.while also sneaking in PewDiePie's chair for her segment. Ascended Extra: Along with other animators, Jaiden got bumped up from the end credits to the main video for Rewind 2018.Art Shift: "Why I Don't Have a Face Reveal" is done in a much less fluid style, with few colors and a more sketch-like feel to it.Also in the SoulLink, Jan, upon losing for the first time, drops his wallet, passport, credit card, driver's license, social security number.In the HeartGold/ SoulSilver randomized SoulLink, Jacob has to face Lance's Porygon-Z, Rampardos, Lickilicky, Zapdos.becomes Jaiden's nemesis due to her rudeness. Arch-Enemy: In her Animal Crossing video, a snooty villager named Sue E.Animesque: The scene in "The History of my Hair" where Jaiden's hairs blow away in the wind is a parody of an anime scene, with cherry blossom petals floating in the air and Jaiden getting large anime eyes.This follows into her other videos, where the animation can be much more fluid and expressive in some parts the dance Ranger!Jaiden does to Team Dim Sun's battle theme is a good example. This is shown with an over the top action shot of Jaiden bursting into a sprint. When explaining that moving sidewalks would be a good replacement for cars and roads, she says that you could just run to get to where you want to go extra quick. Animation Bump: A small one in her video "My Opinion on Airports", as it was given by a guest animator.

ari jaiden animations

In some videos, you can see three small bird tattoos on her right forearm. In her Pokémon videos, she's shown to possess bird-themed Pokémon. Animal Motif: Justified because of her love of birds and there are plenty of references to birds in her videos as shown by her pet conures, Ari and Tofu.Annoying Laugh: At least Jaiden herself thinks so anyways.Alternate Universe: Invoked in the Platinum Nuzlocke video to explain the Elite Four do-over after an extremely unlucky bad ending as an "alternate Jaiden" created by Giratina in the Distortion World.Alternative Character Interpretation: In-universe in her Ruby Nuzlocke video, Jaiden (somewhat jokingly) interprets Steven Stone's Armaldo as her Anorith having joined up to get revenge for being relegated to the box.

Ari jaiden animations